Anges Éléphants – 3 to 4 years old
Les anges éléphants
Receive up to 16 child from 3 to 4 years old.
When the child reach the age of 3 years, it is obvious that they are finally ready and incited to make new tasks.
Our bilingual program offered to the group of 3 to 4 years is specifically designed to meet the needs of this age with their behavior of mistrust.
The units include activities which introduce the capacities of development of the pre mathematical, the pre reading as well as the language. We give to each of the child a colored exercise book. The class is divided into training schools to enhance the value of the specific competence and introduce as well the concept of the organization as to promote the development of the grouping and the classification
We work with the following domains :
By the exercises the child learns to know his body and to live with him.
Language :
Due to uncountable exercises with muscles, blowing, the child learns to place his mouth, his lips and his tongue to produce correctly the deliberate sounds. Everything is made in the form of games (ex: gargle with some water to obtain the sound “R”).
Creativity of the child:
By the way among others plastic arts and musical awakening.
With discussions in big group, the exchanges and sharing during the snacks supplied by the daycare.